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Departments in Our Church

If you would like to be a worker at City of David, Beltsville please find a brief description of our departments below and make sure God guides you with your decision on where to serve Him. Our pastors are happy to pray with you. As our Pastor says “we cannot do God’s work with levity”. If you are interested, please keep in mind that being a worker means service; to God and to His people and should be done with devotion.

It is a Good thing to serve 

So then, my dear friends, stand firm and steady. Keep busy always in your work for the Lord, since you know that nothing you do in the Lord’s service is ever useless. 

(1 Corinthians 15:58)

Finance Department

This department is in charge of the finances of the church. They stay after the church service in order to track the finances of the church and count the contributions form the service. Do you want your contribution statement for the year? This is where you go. Not sure how much you have paid off in your pledge? This is also the department to go. In order to join this department, you must be a discrete person due to the sensitivity of the material handled. The Head of Department will pray with you in order determine if it is a right fit.

Ushering Department

These are the warm faces that greet you when you visit the church. They ensure that the church is well seated and provide information to the congregation at any point of the service. The ushers handle distribution of material needed by the congregation like membership forms, offering envelopes, monthly devotionals, prayer request forms and comment cards. They help keep the service orderly. Are you a people person with a lovely smile? Please join this wonderful department.

Media & Technical Department

This department is in charge of recording the Sunday services, projecting lyrics and announcements and takes care of the sound system of the church. They are also in charge of selling the sermons of the day and also books etc. They are the backbone of the service. They are the ones that help you out with the bible verses when your version isn’t quite aligned with the pastors. Missed a sermon? Here is where you get it. Are you tech savvy? Please join us!

Choir Department

This department sets the atmosphere for worship. They are comprised of spirit-filled worshippers sanctified to set the tone for the church service. The choristers meet weekly for choir practice and voice training. We sing! We dance! Join us!

Benevolence Department

This department is in charge of lending a helping hand to congregation members that need it in any area. They are truly their brother’s keepers. They are in charge of community outreach. In the past, they have given Christmas gifts to all members of the wisdom group, provided food for people that are in need of it and anonymously offered personal help to individuals in need (for example, people that are new to the country). These people sometimes use their personal funds in order to keep the department going and assist people. Only the head of department knows who is requesting help in order to keep their identity safe and also minimize the exposure of member’s issues/problems. They are our own angels. Do you need financial help? This is where you go. Love to help people? Join this department.

Prayer Champions

This department as the name implies are our prayer warriors. These are a group of spirit filled individuals that pray for every event, service and minister. They are truly committed to spiritually exhausting themselves for the good of the church. Spiritual stamina is needed to join this department.

Evangelism Department

Heaven rejoices when one lost sheep comes back home. These wonderful people of God help spread God’s word in order to bring more people to share in the wonderful salvation we bask in. If you love to talk to people about Jesus Christ and are a people person please do not shy away from this department. Evangelism is truly all our calling as we are commissioned by Christ to participate in spreading the word no matter where we find ourselves. They truly care about the lost souls and want to bring them back home.

Follow-Up Department

This department is in charge of getting the new comers acquainted with our church. They welcome them and give information about the church and our services. They also make phone calls to the new comers in order to check in on them and pray for them if needed to make sure that they feel at home at our church. Love meeting new people? Join this department. If you are relatively new to the church and you will like to get information about the church and services and/or departments, find one of the people in this department. They are happy to help.

Hospitality Department

This department is in charge of making the food arrangements for guest pastors coming to minister at the church. They make sure that the ministers are well fed and well taken care of and provide them with whatever else they might need.

Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship.

– Romans 12: 1


Frequently Asked Questions

How do I get to Church? What is the Church Address?

11600 Baltimore Avenue, Suite 200
Beltsville, Maryland, 20705

What is the Best way to Contact @CityOfDavid

(301) 931.2489

What do I Need to Come to @CityOfDavid?

Nothing. Just come as you are.

Who is the Presiding Pastor @CityOfDavid?

Pastor Abbey Olusanya 


What are the Service Times @CityOfDavid?

Tuesdays – Bible Study @7:00PM
Sundays – Sunday School – @9:00AM &Celebration Service @10:00AM

Where Can i Listen to Sermons?

On Our Youtube Channel.